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A state-funded collaboration between the Delaware Department of Education and the University of Delaware Library providing online magazines, journals, encyclopedias and training for all Delaware K-12 public schools

Welcome to UDLib/Search

UDLib/SEARCH has been such an invaluable tool during the school year as students learn to support arguments using credible sources.  However, as students have gone online [due to COVID-19], it has been instrumental in offering meaningful instruction.  Students have been able to conduct independent research projects, and UDLib/SEARCH supports them not only by offering countless resources but also with the tools for developing good research skills like citing sources.  I have also been able to support struggling readers by using lexiles.  The connection to Google Docs has been so great for kids learning how to organize their research.  I can’t imagine teaching without it!

—English Teacher, AP Seminar at Concord High School


A state-funded collaboration between the Delaware Department of Education and the University of Delaware Library providing online magazines, journals, encyclopedias and training for all Delaware K-12 public schools