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A state-funded collaboration between the Delaware Department of Education and the University of Delaware Library providing online magazines, journals, encyclopedias and training for all Delaware K-12 public schools

Cameron’s Collection

Access to Cameron’s Collection:

Trial period: October 30 – November 30, 2019

One out of every four teens suffers from mental illness.  Recognizing the dire need for solutions to support students’ mental health and wellness, Gale has collaborated with the Cameron K. Gallagher Foundation to curate Cameron’s Collection.  The collection presents nearly 40 eBooks that provide targeted resources and guidance for students, teachers, and counselors – letting students know that they are never, ever alone.  The titles in Cameron’s Collection span a wide range of topics, including ADD, ADHD, alcohol, anorexia, anxiety, bulimia, caregiving, cutting, depression, divorce, drugs, eating disorders, homelessness, OCD, self-injury, stress, and suicide.

For additional information about Cameron’s Collection, please review the PDFs below.

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A state-funded collaboration between the Delaware Department of Education and the University of Delaware Library providing online magazines, journals, encyclopedias and training for all Delaware K-12 public schools